What People Say

We listen carefully to everyone involved in our music making and use feedback to adjust our approach in every moment of music making and in our planning, training and organisational strategy. Here are some examples of what people tell us.
From our participants
“I had a bad night, so sleep and was not very happy. But it was such an amazing unheard of treat, so unexpected to have musicians come to my room; to ask me what music I liked was a complete joy and helped me turn a corner and get better and you both so lovely. May you go from strength to strength… it was on ode to joy!”
“I can remember all the words! My Mum played the piano. We all sat around singing together. My whole family sang. I haven’t thought about it for a while. But I remember now.”
Original artwork by Paul Gent as part of our Arts Council England project to convey how our work feels and the spontaneous things people say.
From the healthcare teams at partner hospitals
“As I’m writing this there is a patient singing and dancing. This patient has been feeling very down… I feel that the patient has lost his sparkle. As soon as they started playing, the patient started dancing, smiling and interacting. He is getting a lot of stimulus from the session on the ward. I think today’s moment will stay with me for a long time.”
“Our patients get so much from the two musicians… they smile more, interact with other, staff and patients. Most people have had music in their lives. It brings up past memories, happy or sad. Some remember the words to past songs but cannot have a proper conversation with staff. I think this is a vital service for the patients mental health and wellbeing. Please can this continue.”
“Every session is different but the magical moments always happen. I know these patients really well and I know what they are thinking. When you’re here and they are part of the music making I know that they are at peace.”
Interview with Janet Lee, Critical Care Practitioner
Interview with Dr Kamal Patel, Paediatrician
From visiting families
Amazing! Such a welcome distraction from worry about our baby and also so beautifully sung!”
“Being in hospital is like being on a long haul flight – you’ve no idea what day it is or how long you’ve been here but your music has made such a difference. It’s the first time I’ve seen Mum look herself since she’s been here… the first time she’s really smiled.”
“My uncle has been in the Unit… for a few months and I wanted to write and say how transformational the music sessions have been for him. I have not seen him so engaged with an activity for several years and I was so amazed and emotional to arrive there for a visit and to find him happily playing the drum. You were marvellous with him!”